Friday, November 27, 2009

Carson and Santa

Carson meeting santa this year!! We went to the mall today and he was not happy. I told them to work fast and take the picture so we could get out fast.

Friday, November 13, 2009


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Grace's 3rd Angel Day

Today is Grace's 3rd Angel Day and it was very peaceful. I went and got a massage this morning and then Brian, Carson and I went to eat at Cracker Barrel and then the Butterfly Pavilion. Grace was going to have butterflies and flowers in her room and I kept the meaning after she died. Little did I know that her life was just like a butterfly. Come into your life very briefly, but leave footprints and a huge impact on all of us. I can not get the pictures to load so I will try again tomorrow.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Our sweet little turtle!! Carson had fun going trick-or-treating this year. He went to a few houses and liked giving out the candy the best. The kids would ring the door bell and then the dogs started barking. He would scream and run at the door and bang on the glass. He had a blast. I hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Our lovely weather!

Carson was not happy that we stuck him in the snow. You can't tell, but he was screaming his head off!!

We had him bundled in so many layers that he could barely walk. He fell once and I could not stop laughing.
This is our BBQ pit
The mound in the middle is our bird bath. It has snowed here already 24 inches and we are still counting. I'm hoping that it gives up soon because it sucks to drive in this weather.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The pumpkin patch and playdate with Jade

We have been having a blast these past few weeks. Last weekend we went to a pumpkin patch so Carson could get his own pumpkin. He ran through the fields and played with the dirt more than the pumpkins. He enjoyed the swings and rides at the pumpkin patch. This weekend we went to the park with Jill and Jade. Carson had a blast and loved running everywhere. He enjoys the swings the most. He laughs so hard and is such a blast. We went to Corinne's in the afternoon and Carson played with her kids. Carson was exhausted at the end of the day and took a afternoon nap. I couldn't get him to go to sleep last night and he finally went down at 9:30. Bedtime is at 8:00 and usually he is ready to go.

I am having trouble getting pictures loaded so I will try again in a bit.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wedding pictures

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Halloween sneak peek

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Fall Festival

Carson and his pumpkin

Carson and Teague

Carson eating his pumpkin

Noelle and Teague

Carson had just fell and was not happy that I was making him take a picture.

Carson running through the maze

Everyone must think that I have quit doing updates. Really it's just been a crazy last two weeks. My brother collapsed at work on 9-22-09 and I flew down to be with my family. They are not sure what happened but he now has a defibrillator and is doing well. He got a infection in his arm and was released today. We are going back to Texas on Thursday for Byron and Misty's wedding. Carson is the ring bearer and I'm so excited. The wedding is on the beach and this will be Carson's first time at the beach. Noelle and I are going to take the boys to more fall festivals and pumpkin patches. They both had a great time and it was so cute to see them running together.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Can you believe he is 13 months already??

Carson is getting so big! We are changing today from formula to whole milk. Wish me luck. I don't think that I will have a problem because he is so easy going. As long as I put it in his bottle he will drink anything! We have not taken him for his 12 month appointment yet because he had bronchitis and I was waiting for him to get better. I am going to schedule it this week so we can get his shots over! He is talking up a storm and very verbal. He will immediately let you know if you have made him mad. He is saying da da , moma, baba. He is walking everywhere and into everything. He opens up cabinets and slams them. He doesn't care what is in them as long as he can slam the door!! He likes to eat dog food when he can get it. I constantly have to watch him when the dogs are fed so that he doesn't get some too!! He likes to be chased. He will come up to you and turn around and run and exept you to go after him. He is so much fun!! He has brought so much joy in our lives!

In October we will be going to Texas for Byron and Misty's wedding. Carson is the ringbearer and I can't wait to see him walk down the aisle. The wedding is on the beach so I'm anxious to see what he does in the sand. It has been awhile since we were down and I'm excited to see everyone. We will be going to B&J's in Calallen on October 8th at 6:30 if anyone would like to come. We would love to see you there!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

Mommy and Carson feeding the giraffes

Giraffes have the longest tongues!! They were licking everything. We had the crackers to feed them and Carson wanted to eat them. We had to feed the giraffes very quickly!

Carson loved riding the carousel. When it started, his expression had me laughing so hard I had tears running down my face.

We had a great time today. We were at the zoo for 4 hours and we got a great workout. The zoo is on the side of a mountain and it is continous up and down the entire time!! Brian and I were exhausted by the time we left. If you ever get a chance to go to Colorado Springs-I would definitely go to the zoo!