Saturday, October 3, 2009

Fall Festival

Carson and his pumpkin

Carson and Teague

Carson eating his pumpkin

Noelle and Teague

Carson had just fell and was not happy that I was making him take a picture.

Carson running through the maze

Everyone must think that I have quit doing updates. Really it's just been a crazy last two weeks. My brother collapsed at work on 9-22-09 and I flew down to be with my family. They are not sure what happened but he now has a defibrillator and is doing well. He got a infection in his arm and was released today. We are going back to Texas on Thursday for Byron and Misty's wedding. Carson is the ring bearer and I'm so excited. The wedding is on the beach and this will be Carson's first time at the beach. Noelle and I are going to take the boys to more fall festivals and pumpkin patches. They both had a great time and it was so cute to see them running together.


Jill said...

He is sooooo cute!! Can't wait to see pics from the wedding next week!!