Sunday, January 25, 2009

Look Mommy!!

This is Carson's new face that he is doing. It is hilarious!! He breaths really hard through his nose and makes a funny sound. Brian can do it back to him and they go back and forth. One night they did it for an hour. His personality is just so dang cute!

Guess what else he is doing---sleeping in his own crib in his bedroom. I got sick this week and he stayed with my in-laws for two nights. The first night he slept from 10-7:30 and didn't take a bottle. He normally gets up every 2 hours and eats 4 ounces. So, when he came home he went straight to his crib to sleep!! I was so excited. I loved having him sleep with us but I now know that he wasn't sleeping that good. He slept last night from 9:30-8:30 this morning and only got up once. He was only awake for about 5 minutes and was fussing. He is on a good routine now that he is sleeping in his crib. He gets up between 7:30-8 most mornings and goes down for a 3 hour nap at 11. He probably could have gone to his crib sooner but I just wasn't ready to let him go!!


Proverbs 31 chaser said...

OMGoodness, that is tooooo cute! I LOVE it! Congrats on Carson sleeping in his own bed now! Poor thang, you should have let him get in his own bed by now. I didn't know he was still sleeping with you guys:)haha Good thing he likes his crib, thats awesome! Give him a big hug and kiss for us girls!

Sue said...

And hooray for sleep. A sleeping baby equates to a very well rested and therfor happy Momma!

And I can picture that exact face/noise as my daughter did the same things right about then. So incredibly cute.

Corinne O said...