Saturday, April 24, 2010

We are back and ready for summer

I could not get this picture to rotate so you will just have to turn your head. Carson let everyone hold him and was not afraid of anyone. I was so happy that he was care free.
The lights to our room were controlled right above the bed. Carson turned them on and off about a thousand times a day!
Brian, Misty and Matt all wore green one night to dinner. We were all laughing because it was not planned!
This is what I ate for dessert every night. It was DELICIOUS!! Chocolate melting cake with 2 scoops of ice cream. How I would love to have some right now.
Carson loves to grab Brian and I and watch us kiss. I have no idea where he got this but he is still doing it here at home.
Uncle Byron took Carson swimming. He loves the water. I signed Carson up today to start swimming lessons next Saturday. The class is called Mommy and Me. I have to get in the water with him and the class is 30 minutes long. I know he is going to love it!!
This was one huge beer that Brian drank. We tried to bring the container with us but they wouldn't let us back on the ship with it.

My cousin Seth-he looks sharp!
Brian's parents-PJ and Doug
Byron and Misty-She is 23 weeks pregnant and barely made the cutoff to be able to go.
The Conquest!
Byron and Carson

Me and Aunt Sheila
View from the top of the ship

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Ready for Vacation

Can you say attitude?? Carson loves to throw a fit when he does not get his way. I will look at him and say enough and he will usually stop. Sometimes, I laugh and I know it's going to backfire on me!
Carson putting his shoes on that his Mimi got him last summer. She got him Reef sandals and he is able to wear them now. We are going to take them on the cruise with us next week.
This is Carson's new stroller that we got yesterday. I wanted something to take with us on the cruise. I didn't want to take his big stroller and I wanted something that would shade his eyes and recline. He LOVES his new stroller. I couldn't get him out of it so he sat in it in the house for about 30 minutes after we came in.
I have started to get Carson's clothes ready for the cruise. We had to buy almost all new clothes for him because we did not have anything in 18 months for the summer. We have a ton of long sleeves and jeans but he would burn up in Jamaica, Grand Caymans and Cozumel.

Carson was eating some candy he got in his Easter basket and he loves it! Smarties are his new favorite candy! He will make sounds and say "mmm."

Carson loves to rearrange the refrigerator. He will take everything out of the door compartments and put it all back. He does not like yogurt but will bite the tops off and lick it like he likes it. Crazy boy!

We are leaving on Saturday and won't get back until the following Sunday. I'm sure we will have tons of pictures and stories to tell. I can't wait!!