Sunday, August 8, 2010

Carson has a new cousin-BRODY!!!

Brody was born July 28th! I am so excited that he arrived safe and sound. Byron and Misty have been through a lot this past year and they deserve this so much! I can't wait to see him. I'm not quite sure when I will get down there but I usually get a picture daily and he is already getting bigger. We will be in Texas for 10 days in November and we will definitely get our hands on him then. I can not wait until we move down to Texas and we are close to Brody. Carson and Brody will have so much fun playing together!!


Proverbs 31 chaser said...

Congratulations on being a first time Aunt on your side of the family....JUST LIKE ME:D Its so exciting isn't it! Brody is adorable and Carson is going to LOVE beinga big cousin. The girls absolutely LOVE taking care of Jaiden! He is such a sweet baby. I took some pics of him and posted them on my blog just in case you didn't see them on Facebook! Take care and kisses to Carson:)