Sunday, November 2, 2008

Carson's first Halloween

This is our friend Matt who has triplets. We celebrated their birthday and they turned 6!!

Brian carved this awesome pumpkin for Carson!


Jill said...

So cute!!! That pumpkin is amazing!!!

Jenny said...

He's the cutest chili pepper ever! Can Brian carve my pumpkins next year? I want to be first in line before anyone else.

Corinne O said...

Awesome pumpkin, and I just adore the Chili Pepper Costume. Happy Halloween!

Proverbs 31 chaser said...

He looks TOOOOOOOO STINKIN CUTE! I could just eat him up! Thank you for the card we got in the mail, he is on my frig looking at me everytime I go there to stuff my face with something:)haha Brian did and AWESOME job on Carson's pumpkin, I LOVE it! Did you ever guess what ours was:)?....Noah's Ark!

Well the weather looked like it was wonderful there. It was nice and cool here too. Well give that chili pepper a big kiss for me!