The following is from a friend of mine's blog- Corinne. She is a awesome person and friend. I can't tell you how much she has helped me through the loss of Grace and is always there to listen to me when I have a hard day. Corinne started a non-profit in honor of her daughter Rowan here in Colorado. She not only helps those here but also around the world. Please help join the campaign and help support Rowan Tree. We are having a Butterfly Release on June 27th and do numerous other events throughout the year! Please join!!
Hi everyone,
Please help us raise awareness for the work we are doing at Rowan Tree Foundation. We are working hard to reach 1,000 members on facebook, and can do it with your help.
Child death happens every single day, all over the world. Given the magnitude of occurrences, you'd think there would be equal levels of support responses from the communities of the world. You'd think that all medical professionals from obstetrics to peds would have had training in compassionate care-giving for the circumstances where a child dies. The reality is that its the luck of the draw as far as how your medical team is able to support you in your grief.
Rowan Tree Foundation is an all volunteer organization that works to support families after the death of a child during pregnancy, or after they are born. Isolation accompanies this sort of loss, and parents and friends need to know there is a place they can go to be heard, to read, to connect, and most of all, to realize they are not alone.
We're working this summer to increase our reach around the globe, and one of the ways we are connecting to new folks is through facebook. Please join our cause, and if you do not use facebook, go to our website at and subscribe to our newsletter. (We do not send spam or share your info.)
Coming in July we are having a contest giveaway that you're going to want to be in on. So, join us, and help spread the word.
Thank you!