Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Adoption challenges

Our agency called yesterday and said that they had a birthmom in Ohio that was having twins!! Well, Brian and I went back and forth about what to do. We finally decided to move forward and if it was meant to be than it would happen. We told our adoption agency and they told me in the same sentence that she had already picked adoptive parents.

The agency in Ohio did not tell our agency that they needed our profile ASAP. Needless to say that we are going to have to make much faster decisions. It wasn't even 24 hours and she had made a decision. This was our 4th birthmom and it just gets frustrating!!

I'm not quite sure that we will do domestic again if we are given the chance. I do not like that they choose the family for their child to grow up in off of a piece of paper. I know that they say it's nothing personal but you feel rejected! I know that many more people are out there, but it gets old when you get the same news. When we actually do get picked, I probably will have stroke and pass out! You have no control over anything and it just sucks!!!


Jill said...

That stinks!! One day you will be off this roller coaster and on the slow carousel.

Corinne O said...

oh no!! I am so sorry. I am amazed that she made her decision so quickly being so far from her due date. It totally stinks. Sending thoughts your way and asking the universe to bring the child/ren that are waiting out there to you quickly!!

Proverbs 31 chaser said...

Keep your head up Jenn! I can't imagine how you are feeling, but I know all things happen for a reason and I also know that you and Brian's time is coming soon and please don't give up. You are a strong lady and I know you are going to make it through this. I am praying for strength for you both:) Love you!