Monday, September 29, 2008

Carson's new toys!

Carson is in his new Halloween Pj's and I love them!!
He loves his swing and Mommy loves it even more because I can get stuff done!! Thank you DCSC business office Aunties!!!
His new stroller and carseat from my mom and Byron.

Since Carson has taken over the house, the cats are starting to investigate Carson's stuff and use it to sleep in!! Brian said invasion of the cats!!


Proverbs 31 chaser said...

OMGoodness, he looks too cute in his swing:)haha I just LOVE all his facial expressions! He is cute as a button. That is an awesome stroller, Chicco makes good stuff. Tell the cats to get use to it because as Carson gets older, the more stuff and the bigger it is:)haha

Anonymous said...

The stroller looks good.....but love the outfit!!